These are very useful if you wish to keep your laptop fully operational while you're driving around. You can also find some power adapters that are designed to work with DC battery current, such as can be found in your car's cigar lighter/charging socket. The conventional 3 pin plug used in the UK can thus be converted to a 2 pin variety for use in continental Europe or the US. Some power cables come with international adapter sockets, enabling you to charge your HP laptop's battery when you're abroad. The input jack will be designed to fit a particular model, so you need to ensure your power cable jack will fit the machine you have.
You need to be careful to get the right laptop power adapter and charger for your specific HP laptop model. Types of power adapters and chargers for HP Probook laptops You may wish to have a spare one available for taking with you when travelling, or simply to be able to charge your HP laptop in multiple locations without having to unplug the charging cable from the mains socket in order to do so. It may be that you've lost the original laptop charger, or perhaps you've damaged it. Laptop power adapters and chargers for HP ProBook computers have been specifically developed to fit the particular model of laptop you own.
The HP ProBook is a range of portable laptop computers that is designed to be thinner and lighter than other types of laptop. Laptop Power Adapters and Chargers for HP ProBook